Bishop Barthol Barretto visited St John the Baptist Church, Bhingar, Ahmednagar on Sunday, September 01, 2024.
Reaching the parish at 9.00 a.m. and after having interacted with the faithful soon after Mass, Bp Barthol proceeded to meet the members of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). He encouraged the members to take up a theme for discussion during the year like children, youth, unemployment, etc. He also motivated the PPC members to visit the families in their respective Zones. Bp Barthol also met and interacted with the youth separately. He encouraged and guided them to choose the right path as they take up the various challenges of life. He expressed his concern on the various vices for which our youth are becoming victims in our society.
Bp Barthol visited some poor families and the sick for whom he gave Holy Communion. He spent time with the sick and encouraged the members of the family to take care of them. He also made a condolence visit to a family whose mother passed away a few days ago. After coming back from the visits, Bp Barthol spent time with the priests in the parish individually. He spoke about the importance of prayer and visiting the families regularly.
All in all, it was a good visit and the parishioners loved their Bishop visiting and interacting with them.