Circular No. 26/2024
August 28, 2024
The Parish Priests and Priests in-charge Diocese of Nashik
My dear Collaborators,
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, President, Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India, has instructed all the (Arch)bishops of the (Arch)dioceses to bring the contents of his circular dated July 19, 2024 to the notice of the parishioners. We have summarized the contents of the circular which is enclosed herewith.
May I request you to bring the contents of the circular to the notice of your parishioners at all the weekend Masses on Saturday, August 31, 2024 and Sunday, September 01, 2024.
Thank you for all the selfless services you render to your parishioners. I am truly indebted to you.
God bless you and with every good wish,
Yours in Christ,
+Barthol Barretto Bishop, Diocese of Nashik
Encl: a.a.
CCBI – Pastoral Plan
Shorter Version for the announcement during the Masses
We have gone through the Synodal process initiated by Pope Francis in October 2021 and will culminate in October 2024. Through this ongoing synodal journey, we aspire to walk together by putting into practice the outcome of the synodal processes. In view of this, the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) decided to engage in a pastoral planning process (initially named as Strategic Planning) by responding to the question, where is God calling the Church to be by 2033? (the Great Jubilee of our Redemption).
The outcome of the year long process is the final Pastoral Plan, titled “Journeying towards a Synodal Church: Mission 2033. This process has involved five thousand members of the Latin Catholic Church in India, comprising Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Women, Men and Youth at various levels. While the focus of the Plan has been on the National Commissions, we were deeply aware that the fruits of the planning would also benefit our Regions, Dioceses and Parishes.
It is our earnest desire to begin implementing the CCBI Pastoral Plan at the national, regional, diocesan and parish levels. It is proposed to have the official launch of this Plan on November 24, 2024, at the national, regional, diocesan and parish levels, by celebrating a Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist.
All Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Religious, Laity and Youth are urged to join in this journey towards a Synodal Church that will bear abundant fruit for us all. Together, let us strive to build a Church that is inclusive, synodal, welcoming and permeated with the compassionate love of Christ.